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Vers une nouvelle physique

Message non luPublié :mardi 14 avril 2015 à 23:49
par Rayon de soleil
J'en profite d'avoir déjà correspondu avec Bongo et d'autres pour poser quelques questions de physique.

1) La physique est-elle capable d'expliquer pourquoi les gaz inertes (néon, xénon...) restent à l'état gazeux dans les conditions habituelles de pression et de température ?

2) Est-ce étonnant d'une façon ou d'une autre que la masse inertielle et la masse gravitationnelle soient identiques ? La physique voit-elle une principe unificateur de base dans cette identité ?

Re: Quelques questions de physique

Message non luPublié :jeudi 16 avril 2015 à 09:29
par bongo
1) La physique est-elle capable d'expliquer pourquoi les gaz inertes (néon, xénon...) restent à l'état gazeux dans les conditions habituelles de pression et de température ?
Oui, c'est une des conséquences de la physique quantique, qui a pour conséquence la dernière orbitale entièrement remplie de ces gaz. C'est pourquoi ils ont tendance à ne pas réagir avec d'autres composées. Ne pouvant pas réagir avec d'autres éléments, il n'y a pas de polarisation de leur nuage électronique, et donc très peu d'interaction entre les atomes des gaz rares, d'où l'état gazeux.
2) Est-ce étonnant d'une façon ou d'une autre que la masse inertielle et la masse gravitationnelle soient identiques ? La physique voit-elle une principe unificateur de base dans cette identité ?
Oui c'est étonnant, étant donné que la masse gravitationnelle est une sorte de charge de l'interaction gravitationnelle, tout comme la charge électrique est la charge de l'interaction électromagnétique.

La masse inerte est une notion newtonienne, qui dit qu'un objet subissant une force modifie son mouvement (par le biais de son accélération, qui est proportionnelle à la force appliquée, mais inversement proportionnelle à la masse de l'objet).

Etant donné l'origine complètement différente de ces deux notions, il est étrange que ces deux notions soient proportionelles (ou dans les bonnes unités complètement égales).

L'égalité de ces deux notions est une coïncidence chez Newton, ce qui explique la chute des corps avec la même accélération indépendamment de la masse de l'objet considéré.

Evidemment cette égalité est à la base du principe d'équivalence qui a permis d'établir la théorie de la relativité générale.

Re: Quelques questions de physique

Message non luPublié :jeudi 16 avril 2015 à 17:54
par Rayon de soleil
Bonjour à tous,

0-icon_hehe Par définition, des mots sur un écran d'ordinateur sont silencieux, donc on peut très facilement se tromper quand on interprète le "ton" de quelqu"un qui écrit (je dis ça pour l'autre sujet). Par exemple, j'ai parlé deux fois une demi-heure avec Mimata au téléphone, et là on pouvait réellement percevoir le ton de l'autre. Donc, je renouvelle ma proposition que nous nous parlions au téléphone, Bongo.

J'ai un document à te transmettre et que je transmettrai volontiers à toute personne intéressée. Il s'agit d'un livre paru en 1977 à Toronto et dont la première édition s'est vendue comme des petits pains en dix mois, sans publicité. Je ne vous donne ni son titre ni son auteur parce faire une recherche à partir de ces mots-clés aboutit à des résultats peu convaincants, et même complètement décourageants. L'auteur a dû virer vers une sorte de New Age indigeste depuis 1977.

Mais le livre que j'ai en ma possession est un pur bijou. C'est même un trésor, je crois, mais un trésor qui serait emballé dans le sac de voyage crasseux d'un clochard. En d'autres termes, ne jugez pas à partir du pseudo de l'auteur ni de la couverture, mais à partir du contenu. Ce contenu est à haute teneur scientifique, et n'a rien de "pornographique" 0-icon_rolleyes . En quelques pages, une nouvelle physique se dessine. Y-13

Dans les grandes lignes, l'idée principale est qu'il existe quelque chose qui définit la position de l'espace par rapport à d'autres réalités. Expliquer l'espace en termes purement géométriques aurait conduit à des erreurs considérables. Le livre propose un modèle unifié pour les divers champs, effets, mouvements et phénomènes observés dans le monde réel. Ce qui inclut l'identité remarquable entre masse inertielle et masse gravitationnelle. Y-17

Il faut commencer par se représenter l'univers comme un immense Flatland sphérique, dans lequel les êtres ne pourraient concevoir que des objets 2D, à deux dimensions. Mais... la suite plus tard. Que ceux qui sont intéressés me le fassent savoir en m'envoyant un courriel, je leur enverrai le document (et je précise que je n'enverrai sur votre boîte pas plus de messages que vous ne m'en enverrez). 0-icon_hehe

Re: Quelques questions de physique

Message non luPublié :vendredi 17 avril 2015 à 09:30
par bongo
Par exemple, j'ai parlé deux fois une demi-heure avec Mimata au téléphone, et là on pouvait réellement percevoir le ton de l'autre. Donc, je renouvelle ma proposition que nous nous parlions au téléphone, Bongo.
Qu'est-ce qu'une discussion téléphonique avec moi t'apportera ?
Tu veux me prouver par ta voix ta bonne foi ?
J'ai un document à te transmettre et que je transmettrai volontiers à toute personne intéressée. Il s'agit d'un livre paru en 1977 à Toronto et dont la première édition s'est vendue comme des petits pains en dix mois, sans publicité. Je ne vous donne ni son titre ni son auteur parce faire une recherche à partir de ces mots-clés aboutit à des résultats peu convaincants, et même complètement décourageants. L'auteur a dû virer vers une sorte de New Age indigeste depuis 1977.
Si ce n'est pas une publication scientifique, c'est un roman, et désolé, je n'ai pas trop le temps de lire des romans. Et ce n'est pas parce qu'un livre se vend bien, que c'est un bon livre.

Pourquoi avoir édité le titre du topic ? Au départ c'était "Quelques questions de physique", et non pas "Vers une nouvelle physique".

Re: Vers une nouvelle physique

Message non luPublié :samedi 18 avril 2015 à 17:50
par Rayon de soleil

Si tu avais voulu entendre ma voix, Bongo, tu l'aurais déjà fait en m'écoutant à la radio. Non, c'est plutôt moi qui voudrait entendre la tienne. Ça me permettrait d'avoir une idée plus réaliste de qui tu es et de comment tu appréhendes le monde réel, la vie et la Terre d'une façon générale. yes3

Bon, voici donc des extraits, presque entièrement inédits sur internet, des premiers chapitres du livre que j'ai évoqué. Amis physiciens amateurs, profitez-en ! On ne peut juger qu'au contenu, n'est-ce pas ? Ceci n'est certes pas une publication scientifique. Mais, Bongo, puisque tu es habitué aux publications scientifiques, tu n'auras aucun mal à comprendre ce texte. Oh ! Yes, I forgot... it's in english ! Do you need some help for the translation of certain terms ? Ne estas mia kulpo se la teksto ne estas skribita en la internacia lingvo !

Des affirmations à caractère scientifiques nécessitent des approches expérimentales pour être validées. Trois réponses à cela :
- Les éditeurs affirment dans la préface avoir "expérimenté les champs d'énergie" produit par un appareil construit à partir du modèle physique de l'univers présenté dans le livre, et avoir constaté par eux-même de "plusieurs cas de maladies graves qui paraissent avoir été atténuées ou guéries par l'utilisation de ces champs" ;
- L'auteur affirme en introduction qu'un programme expérimental était en cours au moment de la publication du livre. Ses résultats étaient "très encourageants". "Plusieurs effets assez remarquables ont été créés dans notre laboratoire, qui tendaient à vérifier les affirmations scientifiques faites dans le texte transmis" précise-t-il ;
- L'auteur estime aussi que "les explications sont suffisamment logiques et complètes pour permettre au lecteur qui est scientifiquement entrainé de fabriquer un appareil qui, soit vérifiera, soit invalidera les affirmations faites (je précise que le texte est effectivement très "affirmatif", c'est très étonnant, et... très agréable à lire !). Cela ne fait donc pour moi aucun doute que ce contenu scientifique se répandra très rapidement dans la communauté scientifique, à condition néanmoins qu'il soit vérifié expérimentalement par des scientifiques curieux avec une bonne ouverture d'esprit. 0-icon_hehe

Deux choses pour terminer :
1) Je vous demande de vous pencher très sérieusement sur ce texte, éventuellement après l'avoir imprimé, et de le transmettre à des instituts, des chercheurs, des universitaires et sur d'autres forums si vous pensez que cela peut apporter une contribution significative à la physique moderne.

2) J'insiste sur mon objectif principal qui est, au-delà de la satisfaction intellectuelle que pourrait vous apporter ce texte, d'appeler à une grande responsabilisation vis-à-vis des ARMES NUCLEAIRES. Celles-ci pourraient en effet, d'après ce livre, s'avérer en pratique infiniment plus destructrices, à une échelle beaucoup plus large que celle de notre planète, que ce qui est communément admis. Le livre n'apporte pas de nouveaux éléments qui pourraient augmenter la puissance des armes et c'est la raison pour laquelle je ne crains pas d'en diffuser des extraits. Mais il nous met en garde : il existe un seuil à partir duquel une explosion nucléaire aurait des conséquences absolument catastrophiques pour la Galaxie entière. 0-icon_exclaim Y-34

Assez bavardé, je vous laisse vous pencher sur ces extraits. Y-21

1: Space

The nature of space has long been a question which has defied man's attempts to comprehend it. In the past, men have tried to explain their space in geometric terms, but this has left much unaccounted for and has led to considerable error. The main assumption which needs to be made before space can be understood is that there is something which defines its position with respect to other higher realities. If this fact can be accepted, then all of the various fields, effects, motions and phenomena observed in the real world will fall into place in a single unified scheme.
The substance which defines the space of the real world is a tenuous material with properties of elasticity. Its basic nature allows it to stretch, to contract, to flow as a current of water does, and to carry vibrational wave disturbances. This substance permeates all of the three-dimensional matrix. There is no location in the physical universe which does not contain the substance in one of its many forms.
In the 19th century men speculated that there was a material of this kind extending through all of space, because they could not see how light could be transmitted if not on a medium of some kind. They named this hypothetical medium the aether, and in this book the same designation will be maintained. In essence, the scientists of that century were correct in their assumption, but they did not extend their reasoning far enough to grasp the full significance of this miraculous substance. If they had done so, they would have realized finally that all matter of every form is composed of the aether in one of its states of condensation or expansion, and that every phenomenon observed by man in the real world is accounted for by one or more of the properties of the aetheric matrix. It is the purpose of this chapter to show how the aether is distributed and to discuss some of the properties which allow it to give rise to material manifestation.
Space is not three-dimensional only. The space which man conceives is but part of the totality of creation. It exists within a larger space with a greater number of dimensions. The best analogy that can be made to allow a partial glimpse of the distribution of the aether is that which has been called Flatland. It is possible t0 imagine a two-dimensional space similar to a thin film or sheet having extent in two mutually perpendicular directions but having virtually no extent in the third dimension, which would correspond: to the thickness. It can also be conceived that this space would: support beings within its surface, who would also be only two-dimensional. Such beings could conceive only of objects which in turn were two-dimensional because they would not have any experience of objects with a larger number of dimensions. If we could communicate with a Flatlander, we would not be able to describe in terms he could appreciate, what a cube or a chair were like.
Let us now suppose that we wish to give the Flatlander a complete universe in his two dimensions. We could extend the flat film which defines his space indefinitely in all directions, but this would not be the neatest way to go about it because there would always remain the question of the free edges and what happens beyond these edges. However, the problem can be solved in another way The universe of Flatland could be made as the surface of a very large balloon or ball so that space would be of limited area but without a limit in the sense of a free edge. In such a universe the Flatlander could travel as far as he wished in any direction without coming to the 'edge' of his space. But it would not be necessary to provide an infinite amount of the material of his space in order to give him that freedom. The only drawback would be the confusion on his part when, after travelling a certain distance in what he thinks is a straight line, he would end up back where he started from. Even this difficulty can be minimized by making the balloon of his space so large that he is not likely to be able to complete one circuit around its periphery. Another advantage of giving the spatial balloon a very large diameter is that the local space in the Flatlan-der's immediate area would be virtually flat and would not exhibit any significant curvature. This would mean that the geometric relationships in a localized region of the Flatland universe would remain true in the sense of plane geometry. For example, a triangle set up in the curved Flatland universe would have its three angles sum to almost exactly 180°, with the difference being too small to detect with the Flatlander's instruments. Of course this would give him the impression that his space was not curved, because he could reason that a significant curvature in his space would falsify the triangular relationship.
The skin of the Flatland universe corresponds to the aether of the real universe. The aether is curved upon itself to define a spherical shape as pictured from four dimensions, and this hypersphere has an immense diameter, far beyond the possibility of any physical being to travel even a portion of its girth in the normal lifespan.
The similarities between the Flatland analogy and the real universe will be used throughout this book where appropriate, to exemplify the various phenomena and characteristics under discussion.

2: Light

The nature of light is not difficult to grasp. It is nothing but a vibratory wave disturbance in the aether. The aether is capable of three basic vibrational states.
The first involves movement of the aetheric substance in the direction of wave propagation. This mode is identical to the propagation of sound in the atmosphere.
The second vibrational state involves movement in a direction perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. This can be compared to vibrations in a mass of jelly when the point giving off the vibratory motion moves back and forth in a direction perpendicular to the wave direction.
The third mode is a vibration in which the medium itself moves in a direction transverse to the line of propagation. This can be compared to the movement undergone by a sheet or film when one edge is caused to move back and forth in the direction perpendicular to the film. It is somewhat like the motion of shaking out a rug, where an edge is grasped and moved rapidly up and down to cause ripples moving along the rug.
These three vibrational modes correspond to different specific phenomena observed in the real world.
The first vibrational mode, involving condensation and rarefaction of the aether along the line of propagation, is experienced primarily as the longer wavelengths of electro-magnetic radiation. These are the waves which are given off by radio and T.V. transmitting antennae.
The second mode of aetheric vibration is experienced as visible and near-visible light.
The third mode of vibration, in which the aetheric matrix itself supports vibrational waves which cause the aether to move in the fourth dimension, is experienced as a gravitational field.
Using the Flatland analogy for demonstration purposes, we could compare the first mode of vibration to a wave disturbance in the Flatland skin in which the skin itself undergoes vibration always in its own plane, and in a direction parallel with the wave propagation. Again, this would be like the transmission of sound in the atmosphere.
The second mode of vibration in its Flatland counterpart would involve movement of the Flatland skin still within its own plane, but this time in a direction perpendicular to the line of wave propagation.
The third mode of aetheric vibration would correspond to a ripple wave passing along the skin of Flatland and causing the skin to move perpendicular to its own plane. It could be compared to the ripples on the surface of a millpond which expand out from where a stone is dropped into the water.
The disturbance perceived as visible light consists primarily of the second vibrational mode, although a minor part of the disturbance is a first-mode vibration. It will now be understood why light can be polarized. The polarizing filter consists of parallel lines spaced very close together. When these lines are in alignment with the vibrational direction of the aether in its second mode, there is little interference and the vibration is not damped or interfered with. But when the lines on the filter are placed at right angles to the aetheric movement in the second mode, that movement is diminished.
Normal light perceived in everyday experience consists of second-mode vibration with the directions of movement being randomly distributed. Thus only some of the light passing through a polarizing filter is damped out. What continues past the filter is largely a disturbance with a single vibrational direction perpendicular to the line of travel. That is why it is possible to block a polarized beam almost completely with another filter in which the parallel lines are arranged transverse to the lines of the first filter.
The question of gravitational effects will be left to a later chapter. It is enough for now to understand that gravitation too is a form of aetheric vibration. The ways in which these vibrations are excited will be discussed in the following chapter.

3: Matter

The nature of matter is more subtle than that of light. Matter is also an aetheric phenomenon, but it is not a wave motion in the same sense.
In the vastness of space are located points of primary vibration which are capable of setting the aether into the third mode of vibration, namely that in which the spatial matrix undergoes motion in the fourth dimension. In effect, these primary points themselves vibrate in a direction transverse to the aether, and this transverse vibration is communicated to the aetheric substance to give rise to the transverse motion.
In the Flatland analogy, the primary points could be compared to contacts on a stretched film or sheet, the contact locations being vibrated across the sheet in the direction perpendicular to its main extent. This would cause a series of expanding ripple waves progressing outwardly from each point, much like the waves travelling outwardly on a millpond surface from the point where a stone is dropped into the water.
The primary points in the real world thus give rise to travelling transverse wave patterns which cross each other and interact to form a number of stationary waves that include locations of low vibration called nodes, and locations of high vibration called anti-nodes. The standing-wave pattern is similar to that experienced by a stretched string fixed at both ends and struck or plucked at an intermediate point.
When the node locations of a number of such patterns are all coincident at a single location, the aether becomes very still at that location with respect to its transverse vibrational mode. If the aether becomes completely stationary for even a fraction of a second at that location, it immediately contracts or condenses into a denser and more solid state. It is this small bit of condensed or contracted aether which has been called the proton.
Surrounding the condensed packet of aether are concentric rings of very high transverse vibration, and it is in these concentric rings that the various electrons take form. The error which scientists have made in regard to the electron is to assume that the electron is something, whereas in fact it is nothing, or even less than nothing. The explanation of this paradox is a simple one. At the concentric rings of high vibration surrounding the contracted proton, the aether is in such an agitated state that small openings or breaches in its texture spontaneously arise. Each "hole" in the aether becomes a spinning vortex through which the aetheric substance spins, out into the fourth dimension. The aether which passes outwardly through the spinning hole arcs over through the fourth dimension and is drawn back into the aetheric matrix at the proton itself.
The constant flow of aether into the proton from the fourth dimension provides sufficient material for the proton to remain in its contracted or condensed state, because the impingement of light against the proton tends to promote the re-expansion of the proton back to the more rarified condition which the rest of the aether maintains. This in effect causes a bleeding away of the substance of the proton into the surrounding aether which is compensated by the entry of spilled-out aether from the fourth dimension.
We have said that the aether is an elastic medium. The arc of aether through the fourth dimension from the spinning electron vortex to the condensed proton attempts to contract with a force inversely proportional to the square of the length of the arc. This contraction tends to draw the electron and the proton together, and it is this force which men have called the electric field.
In the past the electric field has been thought to be a natural phenomenon within three-dimensional space, but its true source was not recognized. With the addition of the concept of a fourth dimension the explanation of this effect-at-a-distance becomes clear.
What we have described so far is a simple atom of Hydrogen, made up of a single proton in the nucleus and a single electron at the distance of the first electron ring. Other elements are also created in the identical manner. The determining factor for the nature of the element created is the particular wave-form of the transverse vibration in the midst of which the creation takes place.
There are five primary wave-forms for the third mode or transverse vibration. These are responsible in various combinations for the creation of all the known elements, including those which are radioactive. The question of radioactivity will be dealt with at a subsequent point in this book.

4: Magnetism

The nature of magnetism is no more difficult to understand than the topics already discussed. Magnetism is nothing but a current in the aether flowing from one point to another. The flow of the aether arises through several mechanisms. One involves natural magnets like lodestones or the earth itself, of which the nature is such as to promote the flowing current in the aetheric substance. Another source of the movement is the flow of electrons through a conductor.
The lodestone effect is too complex to be dealt with here, but the basis of the electron's ability to create a flow in the aether is a simple one to grasp. We have already said that an electron is nothing but a spinning vortex in the aetheric substance through which the aether itself spills out into the fourth dimension. The nature of these spinning holes is such that they always tend to spin in the same direction. There are some exceptions but they are not important in terms of the effect under discussion. When electrons are forced to move through a conductor as an electric current, their direction of spin is always the same with respect to the electrical current flow. This causes the aether itself to begin to form a larger vortex of circular movement around the conductor carrying the electrical current. It is this rotary movement of the aether which is detected as the magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor.
When such a conductor is wrapped around a central core in the manner of an electrical coil, the promotion of the larger aetheric vortex around each one of the turns combines in the center to cause the aether to move in a straight line along the center axis of the coil. This is the reason why a magnetic field of considerable strength can be erected by the use of electricity.
Another effect of magnetic fields is that of altering the direction of movement of a charged particle such as a free electron or free proton. Protons are not normally free in nature, but the combination of several protons known as an alpha-particle can be projected as a beam in certain kinds of apparatus. Other devices are capable of projecting a beam of pure electrons.
The reason why a magnetic field tends to alter the direction of motion of the beamed electrons has to do, of course, with the spin of the electrons. We have said that virtually all electrons spin in the same direction when forced to travel through the aether as in a beam. When the beam is aimed across the direction of flow of a magnetic aether current, the spin of each electron causes a build-up of aetheric substance on one side of the electron, and a decrease in aetheric density on the opposite side. This results in a push against the electron toward the less-dense region, tending to change its direction of motion. It is not unlike the reason why a curved "spin-ball" thrown by a pitcher is able to deviate from the original line along which it is thrown.
Protons also have a spin, but it is in the opposite sense to that of an electron. It is for this reason that the proton or positively charged beam is deflected in the opposite direction from the deflection of electrons. The deflections are of different degrees, not because of the different "mass" of the two kinds of particles, but rather because of the fact that the proton has some mass in the generally understood sense, while the electron has no mass whatever since it is a location of an opening in the aetheric matrix.
The nature of magnetism has been a puzzle to man ever since its discovery. It can be seen from the preceding discussion that it is a simple and easily grasped phenomenon which is directly tied to the nature of the primordial stuff of reality: the aether.

5: Gravity

The nature of gravity is something which has confounded the imagination of men for aeons. Even in Atlantean times the true explanation of this phenomenon was not understood. Yet the source of the gravitational effect is not difficult to grasp when one realizes that it is merely an aetheric phenomenon of a particular kind.
The greatest error that man has made in his attempt to understand gravity is his assumption that gravity in a pull exerted by one body or another. Exactly the reverse is the case. Gravity is in fact a push which impells two bodies together with a force inversely proportional to the distance separating them and directly proportional to the product of their masses.
The way in which the push comes about will be described in two phases. To begin with, it can be imagined that two bodies are floating within a hollow sphere and that the bodies are separated from each other. The interior surface of the sphere is assumed to give off light uniformly over its area. If it is further assumed that the bodies respond to the light radiation by being pushed away from the source of the light, it will quickly be understood that the result will be the coming together of these two bodies.
If there were only a single body floating in the middle of the hollow sphere, the light radiation would push equally against all sides and equilibrium would result. The net force on the body would be nil. But when the second body is inserted into the hollow sphere, the newly added body will block out some of the light which previously had fallen on the original body. In effect, the second will cast its shadow upon the first. This will cause an imbalance in the forces exerted against the first body along a line joining the two bodies, because the light falling against the first body from the point diametrically opposite the position of the second body will not be equally compensated by light from the other direction. The second body will be interfering with the light which normally would compensate.
The result is that the first body will drift toward the second under the influence of the unbalanced forces. Exactly the same imbalance will arise in the second body and it too will drift toward the first. If there were beings living on either body they would be tempted to assume that the two bodies were exerting an attraction on each other, particularly if the beings were not aware of the light.
The second phase of this explanation is somewhat more complex. It has to do with the way in which the transverse or third mode of vibration in the aether gives rise to the push which is fell by matter as gravity.
We have spoken of the creation of matter at locations where many node positions coincide in the standing wave patterns erected by the primary points. These node locations however are not all stationary with respect to each other. They move about in the matrix of three-dimensional space as a result of several factors. Some move at high speeds, others at low speeds. In any given location of three-dimensional space there are node positions moving through in all directions and covering a full range of speeds from zero up to, but not quite including, the speed of light.
Because the matter created at the coinciding nodes is in effect a condensed packet of the aether, the packet is more "at home", so-to-speak, in a node location than it is in an anti-node location. There is a phenomenon whereby a particular packet of condensed aether—a proton—tends to continue in a given node position, and to follow that node along its movement. This following of the node continues until a force is exerted to shift a packet of matter so that it follows a different node with a different direction or speed of motion.
The resistance of the proton to such change of node location is observed as inertia. This is why a force must be exerted against matter in order to cause it to change its state of rest or motion.
The identical tendency of the proton to remain glued to a given node location and to follow its motion is responsible for the pressure of gravity in the region of a large body such as the earth. In the near region of the earth the node locations have a preferential drift towards the planet. This is due to the fact that the earth is blocking out the transverse or third node vibrations coming from its other side. The continual drift of the node locations past a suspended object close to the earth exerts a drag or force on the object tending to push it toward the planet's surface. The actual mechanism is somewhat more complex than that just described, but what we have said will convey a good picture of the way the gravitational phenomenon arises.
Scientists have often wondered why inertial mass and gravitational mass are identical, because they have not seen any basic, unifying principle which would account for this identity. The discussion just concluded provides the missing basis.

Une remarque importante maintenant que vous avez parcouru ce texte, au sujet de l'éther. Ce simple mot fera bondir inévitablement nombre d'entre vous, et votre sang ne fera qu'un tour avant que vous ne cliquiez précipitamment sur "Répondre".
Du calme...
Je connais cette expérimentation qui a mesuré que la Terre ne se déplaçait dans aucun milieu qu'on pourrait nommer "éther". Y-35
Tout d'abord, si vous avez bien lu, et tout lu, vous comprendrez que l'auteur considère que TOUTE la matière de l'Univers, y compris la Terre donc, est formé de substance éthérique sous une de ses nombreuses formes. Y-21
Enfin, je pense que cette difficulté peut être écartée en considérant que l'éther entourant la Terre, bien qu'extrêmement ténu et dans un état certainement extrêmement moins dense que les "atomes" qui constituent notre planète, se déplace avec la Terre dans l'espace, à la même vitesse. Et oui, pourquoi ne pas imaginer que chaque planète du Système solaire entraîne avec elle, à la vitesse qui lui est propre, une portion d'un éther ténu, léger, ... éthérique ? Y-15

Bongo, as-tu compris comment le livre décrit et définit le proton et l'électron ? J'aimerais commencer par cela pour décortiquer et analyser avec toi le texte. Y-13


Personne ne réagit. Dommage. Voici quand même la suite :

6: The Inert Gases

The nature of the inert gases has been a puzzle to science ever since their discovery. One of the main dilemmas has been the fact that all are gases and not solids or liquids. The larger atoms of the inert gas series are comparable in size to iron or lead, and the normal laws of the formation of solid matter would lead to an assumption that a state other than gaseous should be the natural one for these materials.
However the explanation for the gaseous natural state is not a difficult one when it is understood that these gases are constantly forced to undergo a high rate of vibration and agitation due to the fact that each atom of an inert gas contains within it one of the primary points we have discussed earlier in connection with the creation of matter and with gravity.
In effect one of the electrons in the nucleus of each inert gas atom is a primary point. The primary point is paired up with a proton to form what appears to be a neutron. It is the natural vibration of the primary point itself which is communicated to the nucleus as a whole, and this agitation requires the substance to assume the gaseous form under normal temperature and pressure conditions.
There are only five basic types of the transverse wave-form in the aether, and there are correspondingly five kinds of primary points. These points, when they become coincident with the three-dimensional matrix of space, are immediately surrounded and masked by the inert gas atom which corresponds. The atoms are Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton and Xenon. Radon is not a masking atom for a primary point, but is a particular state of a radioactive substance which assumes a gaseous form for another reason. Radon will be discussed more fully in the next chapter.

7: Radioactivity

The nature of radioactivity is simple to understand when it is realized that a radioactive substance is made of atoms of lead which have in their nuclei one or more nuclei of Helium. In effect, at the time of the formation of the lead, a number of Helium nuclei become entrapped within the lead nuclei. Because the Helium nuclei are always in a state of vibration and agitation, they continue to try to assume the natural gaseous condition even while entrapped in the lead. From time to time a nucleus of Helium works its way free of the lead nucleus and is ejected as an alpha-particle. With the ejection of the alpha-particle there arises an electrical imbalance between the electrons and the nucleus of the lead, and the result is the loss of two electrons, which are referred to as beta-particles. These are two of the phenomena which have been associated with radioactive materials.
The characteristics which distinguish one radioactive material from another have to do with the number of alpha-particles entrapped in the lead nucleus at the time of inspection, and also with the isotope of lead originally formed in the radioactive state.
Radon is a particular isotope of lead which contains four alpha-particles within each nucleus. Because of the particular isotope, the alpha-particles are enabled to take up a spatial configuration in which they occupy the vertices of a tetrahedron, with each being equidistant from the other three. This permits the alpha-particle vibrations to get into phase with each other, and an amplification of the natural vibrational characteristics of the alpha-particle results.
This amplified agitation is enough to raise the heavy lead nucleus containing the alpha-particles into a gaseous state at normal temperature and pressure.

8: Nuclear Energy

The nature of nuclear energy is easily understood. We have explained earlier that a proton is merely a packet of aether in | condensed state which is maintained in equilibrium by the constant; feeding in of aether from the fourth dimension, to compensate for' the bleeding away of its condensed aetheric substance due to bom. bardment by normal aetheric vibration. When the vibration he-comes too great to be compensated by the aether influx from the fourth dimension, the proton loses more than it gains, and a point is reached where it can no longer maintain the condensed state. The; result is the sudden re-expansion of the remainder of the proton up to the more rarified state of the surrounding aether. It is exactly the same as the sudden conversion to steam of a small droplet of water! when it is rapidly heated to its boiling point and beyond.
The instantaneous re-expansion of the proton gives out a burst of aetheric vibration which represents the energy which was "stored"1 in the condensed proton packet in accordance with Einstein's for-1 mula.
Now, when a large number of protons are lumped together as in an atom of lead, all of the protons in the nucleus are attempting to, occupy a single node location in the aether. The lead nucleus; represents the greatest possible number of normal protons that can} be maintained at a node location, and this is why the element lead is the heaviest non-radioactive element that can occur in nature.
We have said that radioactive substances are merely atoms of lead in which primary points associated with helium are entrapped,, the result of the entrapment being the addition of helium nuclei to? the nucleus of lead. This addition of particles to the maximum* possible under stable conditions renders the nucleus highly unstable! in the sense that the outside ones of the protons in the nucleus: "bundle" are so close to the boundary of the quiet node location) that they are beginning to be subjected to the high aetheric anti-node vibration Which constitutes what is called the K-ring of electrons.
Hence the outside protons of the nucleus bundle are under greater bombardment from aetheric vibration merely by their posi-" tion, and entirely aside from any additional aetheric vibration which might be directed from an outside source against the nucleus.
The reason is thus clear why it takes a lower level of ambient energy to initiate the re-expansion of the nuclear protons of a radioactive material than it does for any other material.
When atoms of Plutonium, for example, are placed very close to the source of a conventional explosion capable of bombarding the radioactive substance with a very high level of natural aetheric vibration, the outer protons of the Plutonium nuclei are unable to remain in the condensed state, and re-expand to the condition of the surrounding aether. These first re-expansions add further energy to the region of the nucleus, and cause the re-expansion of protons further inward in the nucleus which ordinarily would have a higher threshold of re-expansion. A chain reaction is thus set up within each radioactive nucleus which, in a tiny fraction of a second, results in the re-expansion of the entire nucleus to the level of the surrounding aether.
Of course, the re-expansion of the protons in one nucleus will cause a similar re-expansion process in neighbouring nuclei, and thus the effect is passed from atom to atom as a further chain reaction.
The energy released by any sizable amount of radioactive material as its nuclei are re-expanded is so intense that there is a serious risk that the aether itself, which defines the location of the three-dimensional matrix with respect to four dimensions, will be torn or ruptured. It is simply a question of the maximum intensity of vibration which the aether is capable of withstanding.

Re: Vers une nouvelle physique

Message non luPublié :mardi 21 avril 2015 à 10:06
par bongo
Ça me permettrait d'avoir une idée plus réaliste de qui tu es et de comment tu appréhendes le monde réel, la vie et la Terre d'une façon générale. yes3
Je l'appréhende de manière rationnelle comme sur le forum.
Bongo, as-tu compris comment le livre décrit et définit le proton et l'électron ? J'aimerais commencer par cela pour décortiquer et analyser avec toi le texte. Y-13
Je ne comprends pas vraiment ta question. Pourquoi coller 40 paragraphes illisibles, alors que tu t'intéresses qu'à une partie ?

Ensuite, qu'est-ce que tu veux que je te réponde ? Peu importe la définition du proton et de l'électron, seules importent les prédictions.
Par exemple, l'équation de Schrödinger prédit le rayon de l'atome d'hydrogène.

Un article scientifique doit apporter du quantitatif. Si elle ne fait aucune prédiction ni explique comment faire pour obtenir tel ou tel résultat, et bien ce n'est pas une théorie physique. C'est un roman, ou ch'est pas quoi, mais rien qui ne soit scientifiquement exploitable.